Data Catalog Integrations

PACE can use a data catalog to retrieve schemas and labels or tags on tables or table columns. These can be used to create data-policies that will be applied on the processing platforms.

PACE can retrieve metadata from a data catalog. This includes schemas, as well as field or table tags. These can be used to create Data Policies that will be applied on the processing platforms.

The tables in a data catalog are referenced via the following hierarchy

  • data catalog(s)

    • database(s)

      • schema(s)

        • table(s)

The PACE cli clearly shows this hierarchy.

list all configured data catalogs
pace list catalogs --output table
- id: COLLIBRA-testdrive
  type: COLLIBRA
- id: datahub
  type: DATAHUB
- id: odd
  type: ODD
list the databases on Collibra
pace list databases --catalog COLLIBRA-testdrive --output table
- catalog:
    id: COLLIBRA-testdrive
    type: COLLIBRA
  id: 8665f375-e08a-4810-add6-7af490f748ad
  type: Snowflake
- catalog:
    id: COLLIBRA-testdrive
    type: COLLIBRA
  id: 99379294-6e87-4e26-9f09-21c6bf86d415
  type: CData JDBC Driver for Google BigQuery 2021
- catalog:
    id: COLLIBRA-testdrive
    type: COLLIBRA
  id: b6e043a7-88f1-42ee-8e81-0fdc1c96f471
  type: Snowflake
pace list schemas --catalog COLLIBRA-testdrive \
   --database 99379294-6e87-4e26-9f09-21c6bf86d415 -o table
 ID                                     NAME

 c0a8b864-83e7-4dd1-a71d-0c356c1ae9be   Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>Marketing
 342f676c-341e-4229-b3c2-3e71f9ed0fcd   Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR
# command output shortened
pace list tables --catalog COLLIBRA-testdrive \
  --database 99379294-6e87-4e26-9f09-21c6bf86d415 \
  --schema 342f676c-341e-4229-b3c2-3e71f9ed0fcd -o table
- id: 821b684d-7fd4-428f-8d10-8e90f52aa5b9
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>attendancelogs
- id: f9ad905f-09e6-4259-a8a2-80b135cd3f1b
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>employees_income
- id: 8254e494-7856-4f2c-b736-6f6ca310081a
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>accounts_salarypayments
- id: 27231897-24f9-4b26-9171-afe8d88156c7
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>employeearchive
- id: 5f345874-0055-4349-8f7d-0bfab88796a1
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>departments
- id: 89b34f6f-4664-4a6a-99c6-2cdc27abd5c3
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>payroll
- id: 5ad8ea41-df6d-4421-9da5-791d0461f7f7
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>salaries
- id: 6e978083-bb8f-459d-a48b-c9a50289b327
  name: Google BigQuery>test-drive-329411>HR>employee_yearly_income

We can retrieve a blueprint policy from a catalog as follows.

pace get data-policy --catalog datahub-on-dev --database ...\
  --schema .. .. 
  description: snowflake
  - purpose:marketing
  title: Snowflake
  - name_parts:
    - transactionid
    type: numeric
  - name_parts:
    - userid
    - PII
    - sensitive
    type: varchar
  - name_parts:
    - email
    - PII
    - sensitive
    - countrycodematch
    type: varchar
  - name_parts:
    - age
    - sensitive
    type: numeric
  - name_parts:
    - size
    type: varchar
  - name_parts:
    - haircolor
    - PII
    type: varchar
  - name_parts:
    - transactionamount
    - sensitive
    type: numeric
  - name_parts:
    - items
    type: varchar
  - name_parts:
    - itemcount
    type: numeric
  - name_parts:
    - date
    type: time
  - name_parts:
    - purpose
    type: numeric

We would typically redirect the output of this command into a file > blueprint.yaml, and add a rule set to the file. See Create a Data Policyfor details on how to do this.

Configuring a Data Catalog connection

Every catalog type is configured the same way.

  • id The identifier of this Data Catalog connection in Pace.

  • type This type is taken from our [Protobuf api definition][api] and is currently COLLIBRA, DATAHUB or ODD (for OpenDataDiscovery).

  • serverUrl How to reach the Data Catalog

  • token an authentication token. Some Data Catalogs require this.

  • userName Some other Data Catalogs use userName/password combinations.

  • password

  • fetchSize Unspecified usage by Datahub. Keep at 1 for now.


Collibra uses serverUrl, userName and password (for now, we'll add other types of authentication later) serverUrl typically contains

PACE uses the Collibra GraphQL interface interface.


The Datahub configuration uses serverUrl (typically https://...:9002/api/graphql) and token which is a datahub api token. Datahub access tokens can be created via SettingsManage Access Tokens

Open Data Discovery

Our current implementation only uses serverUrl, currently http://some.ip.address:8080. This is obviously alpha!

Below is an example of the catalogs section of a PACE configuration file.

  - id: "collibra"
    type: "COLLIBRA"
    serverUrl: ""
    userName: "test-drive-user-..."
    password: "Dbxv..."
  - id: "datahub"
    type: "DATAHUB"
    serverUrl: "http://...:9002/api/graphql"
    fetchSize: 1
    token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI..."
  - id: odd
    type: ODD
    serverURL: http://some-host:8080

Last updated

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