Data Catalog Specifics

Much as we try to make the interaction with all Data Catalogs identical, there are some oddities.


This catalog doesn't really have a hierarchy of databaseschematable. It contains the concept of DataSource, but not all of these even have associated data sets (i.e. things with a schema that PACE can interpret).

In order to provide a useful hierarchy we interpret all those Data Sources that have at least one DataSet as a database. Schemas don't really exist on OpenDataDiscovery, but we need it in the PACE hierarchy. We create one dummy Schema with an id of schema and a name identical to the Data Source name.

The tables work as expected.

An example (using the OpenDataDiscovery sample data). I've used jq to simplify the output somewhat.

List Databases

This list all data sources with at least one OpenDataDiscovery Data Set.

pace list databases --catalog odd -o json | jq -r '.databases[]|[.id,.display_name,.type]|@csv'
"2","BookShop Data Lake","Data Lake"
"3","BookShop Transactional","Transactional"
"5","User Transactions","Messaging"
"7","KDS Clickstream","Messaging"
"8","Snowflake Sample Data","Samples"

List Schemas

There's just one schema in each Database, because OpenDataDiscovery doesn't have schemas as such.

pace list schemas --catalog odd --database 3 -o json | jq -r '.schemas[]|[.id,.name]|@csv'
"schema","BookShop Transactional"

List Tables

To list the tables (same as in any other catalog), we need the database and the schema. OpenDataDiscovery uses numeric entity id's, and the one for the BookShop Transactional postgres database is 3. The query below shows that the name of the schema is identical to the name of the database.

pace list tables --catalog odd --database 3 --schema schema -o json | jq -r '.tables[]|[.id,.name,]|@csv'
"15","dim_publishers","BookShop Transactional"
"14","fct_sales","BookShop Transactional"
"13","fct_inventory","BookShop Transactional"
"12","dim_currency","BookShop Transactional"
"11","dim_books","BookShop Transactional"
"10","dim_promo","BookShop Transactional"
"9","customer_tier_sbx","BookShop Transactional"
"8","dim_countries","BookShop Transactional"
"7","dim_cards","BookShop Transactional"
"6","dim_customer","BookShop Transactional"
"5","dim_payment","BookShop Transactional"

Get Data Policy

Retrieving a blueprint data policy works the same as with any other catalog. The table named

pace get data-policy --catalog odd --database 3 --schema schema 14
  description: BookShop Transactional
  title: fct_sales
  - name_parts:
    - card_uuid
    required: true
    type: varchar
  - name_parts:
    - update_tmst

Last updated

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