Extensibility is an important aspect of PACE. Functionality can be added through plugins, the first type of which is the OpenAI plugin. More detail on creating your own plugins will follow soon. In this tutorial, we cover our OpenAI Data Policy Generator implementation.
pace list plugins
- actions:
- invokable: true
- invokable: true
id: openai
implementation: com.getstrm.pace.plugins.builtin.openai.OpenAIPlugin
This plugin has two actions, we'll explore the GENERATE_DATA_POLICY action in this tutorial
The OpenAI Data Policy Generator uses the OpenAI Chat API to generate a Rule Set for a given blueprint Data Policy, based on a textual description of filters and field transforms.
An OpenAI API key is required for this tutorial. You can generate one in the OpenAI platform at https://platform.openai.com/api-keys. We recommend creating a new API key for this PACE plugin.
If you are not using an enterprise API key of OpenAI (i.e. a paid subscription), be very aware of any (sensitive) data you share with OpenAI as you are not opted out of using that data for training.
File and directory setup
We provide an example setup in our GitHub repository, as explained below. If you already have a running instance of PACE, you may skip this setup and simply add the OpenAI API key to the PACE application configuration. See the config/application.yaml section below.
Clone the repository from GitHub, if you haven't already done so. This command assumes you're not using SSH, but feel free to do so.
git clone https://github.com/getstrm/pace.git
Create a directory data-policy-generator with the following directory tree structure:
Now navigate to the data-policy-generator directory inside the pace repo:
cd pace/examples/data-policy-generator
Next, let's have a look at the contents of these files.
The compose file defines three services:
pace_app with the ports for all different interfaces exposed to the host:
9090 -> Envoy JSON / gRPC REST Transcoding proxy.
50051 -> gRPC.
8080 -> Spring Boot Actuator.
postgres_pace acts as the persistent layer for PACE to store its Data Policies.
Available under localhost:5432 on your machine.
This is the Spring Boot application configuration, which specifies the PACE database connection, and the OpenAI API key.
url: jdbc:postgresql://postgres_pace:5432/pace
username: pace
password: pace
schema: public
enabled: true
api-key: "put-your-api-key-here"
# use a gpt-4 model to follow along with the documentation
# if you don't have access, use gpt-3.5-turbo, but your results will be poorer
model: "gpt-4-1106-preview"
This file contains the blueprint Data Policy and the textual instructions we'll use to generate a Rule Set using the OpenAI Data Policy Generator plugin. Feel free to modify it to your own liking.
Generating the Data Policy
Tutorial video
Running PACE
Make sure your current working directory is the same as the directory you've set up in the previous section. Start the containers by running:
docker compose up
There should be quite a bit of logging, ending in the banner of the PACE app booting.
Invoking the plugin
In the same directory, execute the following PACE CLI command:
pace invoke plugin openai GENERATE_DATA_POLICY --payload openai-plugin.yaml
This will take a little while (around 20 seconds during our testing). If OpenAI replied with a valid Data Policy, it will be printed to your terminal. The output should look similar to this:
This is all still quite experimental, so not all instructions may work as well. Let us know if you encounter any issues, and we will further explore this thing called GenAI!