
Connecting PACE to a Snowflake database

Key pair creation and user privileges

PACE translates Data Policies to Snowflake views. A few steps are required to connect a PACE instance with a Databricks database. First, a public/private key pair must be created. Then, a new user and role must be created in Snowflake.

PACE currently expects the private key file's path to be passed as a property, and the file itself to be available on the classpath. We are working on an easier approach.

To create a key pair, start with the private key:

openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out pace-snowflake-private-key.p8 -nocrypt

Then, create a public key for this private key:

openssl rsa -in pace-snowflake-private-key.p8 -pubout -out

Now, create a new user (e.g. pace_user) in snowflake, with this public key:

create user pace_user rsa_public_key = '<key here>';

Next, we recommend creating a dedicated role for the PACE user. Provide this role with usage privileges on the desired warehouse, as well as all relevant databases and schemas, and select privileges on all source tables (i.e. tables for which Data Policies are to be created). Grant the right to create views on all desired target schemas. For example:

create role pace;
grant role pace to user pace_user;
alter user pace_user set default_role = pace;
grant usage on warehouse compute_wh to role pace;
grant usage on database pace_db to role pace;
grant usage on all schemas in database pace_db to role pace;
grant select on all tables in database pace_db to role pace;
grant create view on schema public to role pace;

PACE application properties

After following the above steps, provide the corresponding configuration to the PACE application for each Snowflake database you want to connect with.

PACE currently supports a single database per configuration. Apart from the id and database properties though, the remaining properties can be reused across configs.

For example:

      - id: "snowflake-pace"
        serverUrl: "https://<account-locater>"
        database: "MY_DATABASE"
        warehouse: "COMPUTE_WH"
        userName: "pace_user"
        accountName: "AB12345"
        organizationName: "ABCDEFG"
        privateKey: |
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
          ... private key contents ...
          -----END PRIVATE KEY-----

The properties are expected to contain the following:

  • id: an arbitrary identifier unique within your organization for the specific platform (Snowflake).

  • serverUrl: the full url pointing to your Snowflake instance, typically ending with

  • database: name of the database.

  • warehouse: the compute warehouse to use for all operations (listing tables, creating views).

  • userName: name of the user to be used by PACE.

  • accountName: the name of the account to be used, typically of the form AB12345.

  • organizationName: the name (id) of the organization that owns the account.

  • privateKey: the contents of the generated private key file.

Last updated

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