
Condition based row filtering


When you have dataset that includes, for example, both large and small transactions, you might only want the Fraud and Risk Principal to be able to see these large transactions. We defined row based filtering. Each Filter is one of two types, Generic Filter or Retention Filter.

Generic Filter

A Generic Filter contains a list of Conditions and each condition consists of a list of Principals and the actual condition.

Similar to Field Transform, the list of Principal defines to which groups of users the Filter must be applied. The condition is a SQL expression that should match the specified Processing Platform's syntax. In contrast to Field Transforms, where each transform is defined for exactly one field, the filter conditions can contain logic regarding multiple fields. If the condition evaluates to true, the set of Principal is allowed to view the data, else the rows are omitted in the resulting view.

Retention Filter

A Retention Filter is used to filter data based on a date field. For this filter we require that you have a timestamp field in your source dataset. In the Retention Filter you have to specify this timestamp Field, corresponding to one of the fields in your Schema. In the list of Conditions you specify a list of Principals like in the Generic Filter, and a Period in days. The resulting check then is whether or not the difference between the current timestamp and the timestamp field is smaller than the defined period. Thus filtering all records that are 'too old'. If the Period is left empty, the retention will be infinite for the corresponding Principals.

For both types of Filter holds that they should at least contain one Condition without any Principal, defined as last item in the list of conditions. This Condition acts as the default or fallback filter.

Note that the order of the Condition in the policy matters. That is, if you are a member of multiple Principal groups, for each Condition, the filter with the first intersection with your Principal groups will be applied.

Example Filter

  - generic_filter:
        - principals:
            - group: "F&R"
          condition: "true"
        - principals: []
          condition: "age > 18"
  - generic_filter:
        - principals:
            - group: "MKTNG"
          condition: "true"
        - principals:
            - group: "F&R"
            - group: "ANALYSIS"
          condition: "transactionAmount >= 1000"
        - principals: []
          condition: "transactionAmount < 1000"
  - retention_filter:
          - ts
        required: true
        type: timestamp
        - principals:
            - group: "MKTNG"
            days: 2
        - principals: 
            - group: "F&R"
        - principals: [] 
            days: 1

Example Results

Let's assume the current timestamp equals 2023-11-13 08:29:14.123. This yields the follow output per set of Principals

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