Connect a Processing Platform

Pave the way to creating your first Data Policy

Provide additional application configuration

Before you can create and apply your first Data Policy, PACE requires a little bit of additional configuration.

For details on the required configuration for your specific platform, see the corresponding reference pages. Below, we will use Databricks as an example.

During installation, you provided a few database related properties in a Spring Boot application yaml format, either as a file or through Kubernetes configmaps or secrets. To configure a Databricks Workspace as a processing platform, the required additional configuration would look like this:

      - id: "pace-databricks"
        workspaceHost: "https://<deployment-name>"
        accountHost: ""
        accountId: "<account-id>"
        clientId: "<client-id>"
        clientSecret: "<client-secret>"
        warehouseId: "<warehouse-id>"

We add the app and processing-platforms properties, as well as a databricks property, which contains a list of databricks configurations (just a single one in this example).

Each platform requires an ID, which is an arbitrary name of your choosing, but unique within your PACE processing platform configuration.

Verify your configuration

To verify your setup, run or restart your PACE instance. Your platform should show up when listed:

pace list processing-platforms
- id: pace-databricks
  platform_type: DATABRICKS

If your service principal or similar has read access to tables on the platform, they will show up when listed:

pace list databases --processing-platform dbr-pace -o table
 ID       NAME     TYPE

 demo     demo     DATABRICKS
 main     main     DATABRICKS
 pace     pace     DATABRICKS
 system   system   DATABRICKS

pace list schemas --processing-platform dbr-pace --database demo -o table
 ID                   NAME

 default              default
 information_schema   information_schema
 public               public

pace list tables --processing-platform dbr-pace --database demo\
 --schema public  -o table 
 ID             NAME           TAGS

 transactions   transactions

With your first processing platform connection in place, you can go ahead and create your first Data Policy, or connect a Data Catalog first.

Last updated

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